Thank You For Reaching This Far!

The Wall Street Journal plainly states bad governance is destroying New York.* Hundreds of election races will need to be run and won to turn this regrettable state of affairs around. You can make a difference. Find someone you can help, or get out and run yourself, whatever you can do at whatever level you may be able to do so.

This State, indeed all of Our Country, owes so much to the generations of traditionally family-centered people who persevered in so many ways to continually grow, overcome, build up and pass on their legacy of previously unimaginable freedom, innovation, and prosperity not only to us, their children, but to almost all of the rest of our planet. It's time for all of us to pass it forward to future generations and not let it be destroyed by those who envy and covet all of our accumulated goodness. We can do it. We must, even though many will continue attempts to defeat this noble cause. The genius of generations of accumulated American know-how and ingenuity is well fixed in our physical, intellectual, spiritual, and cultural DNA. Let's keep our great American legacy alive and well by remaining committed to working together and by never ever giving up on our cherished individual and family-based values.


Please take up this cause however, whenever, and wherever you can.


Primarily City of Rome West of Turin Road. See Maps Below or Go To

Intown Areas

Darkest grey areas within red boundaries make up district. Not sure. Call Board of Elections at (315) 798-5755 to verify with your address.

See Entire District Below

Not Registered To Vote

It's easy and a great thing to do! Click on Board of Elections Website (above) or Call (315) 798-5755.

For Absentee Ballots & Military Assistance

Go to Board of Elections website (above) for details.

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